Kamis, 24 Maret 2016

T04C : Payroll Form


Bahasan mengenai Bisnis Proses kali ini akan upin ipin akhiri dengan contoh Payroll Form yang upin ipin temui di jagat Google hehehe...

Demikian contoh screenshotnya. Jikalau teman-teman ingin mengetahui lebih lanjut, form tersebut dapat didownload di sini ya :)

Selamat belajar dan semoga bermanfaat :) 

T04B : Prosedur Bisnis Proses fungsi HRD Payroll


Setelah banyak belajar secara grafik lewat artikel sebelumnya, sekarang saatnya kita belajar secara naratif ya...
upin ipin sudah menyiapkan bahan belajar dalam bentuk doc dan pdf yang bisa kita pelajari bersama.

Selamat Belajar :)

T04A : Bisnis Proses Fungsi HRD: Payroll


Jumpa kembali dengan upin ipin yang kali ini akan belajar keras mengenai Bisnis Proses di HRD, khususnya bagian Penggajian. 

Pada organisasi/perusahaan apapun, tidak mungkin tak membutuhkan sumber daya manusia (SDM), yang juga merupakan bagian dari sumber daya yang harus dijaga kualitas informasinya. Diperlukan sistem informasi sumber daya manusia, untuk merekam dan memproses data SDM mulai dari perekrutan, penugasan, pelatihan, penilaian kinerja, kompensasi, penggajian, sampai dengan pemberhentian hubungan kerja. Hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan masalah penggajian karyawan, khusus ditangani oleh HRD bagian Penggajian atau Payroll. 

Dalam  perusahaan manufaktur, pembayaran kepada karyawan biasanya dibagi menjodi dua golongan: gaji dan upah. Gaji umumnya merupakan pembayaraan atas penyerahan jasa yang dilakukan oleh karyawan yang mempunuyai jenjang jabatan manajer, sedangkan upah umumnya merupakan pembayaran jasa atas penyerahan jasa yang dilaitukan oleh karyawan pelaksana (buruh). Umumnya gaji dibayarkan secara tetap perbulan, sedangkan upah dihitung bardasarkan hari kerja, jam kerja, atau jumlah satuan produk yang dihasilkan oleh karyawan.

Kita mengenal istilah Segregation of Duties dalam business process, yang merupakan pemisahan tugas antar departemen atau fungsi kerja. Segregation of Duties diperlukan sebagai pemisahan tanggung jawab kerja agar tidak terjadi overlapping fungsi kerja.

Berikut adalah tugas dan fungsi HRD bagian payroll:
1.    Menyiapkan Penggajian
Data tentang jam kerja disediakan oleh departemen dimana karyawan bekerja. Informasi gaji diperoleh dari file master payroll. Orang yang bertanggung jawab untuk menyiapkan pembayaran gaji tidak dapat menambah rekord baru pada file ini. Menyusun komponen gaji, pendapatan dan potongan serta mengkalkulasi proses perhitungan gaji mulai dari input data, proses dan pembuatan laporan penggajian.
2.   Membayar Gaji
Aktivitas ini melakukan penyerahan cek kepada karyawan. sebagian besar karyawan dibayar baik dengan cek atau langsung dimasukan ke rekening tabungan karyawan di bank.
3.   Menghitung Tunjangan Yang Sudah Dibayarkan dan Pajaknya oleh perusahaan.
Pihak perusahaan sering menanggung premi atas asuransi kesehatan, kecelakaan kerja dan lainnya untuk karyawan.
4.   Pembayaran Pajak Penggajian dan Pengurangan Lainnya
Aktivitas terakhir ini melakukan pembayaran utang pajak penggajian dan pengurangan lainnya atas setiap karyawan. Organisasi harus secara periodik menyiapkan cek atau melakukan transfer secara elektronik untuk membayar berbagai utang pajak yang muncul.

Berikut adalah contoh Bisnis Proses bagian Payroll:

Teman-teman penasaran nggak, gimana menggunakan aplikasi Odoo/OpenERP modul payroll? Kalau iya, upin ipin lagi baik hati, mau ngasih tau gimana caranya. Ayo duduk manis dan mencatat ya :)

“How to create and pay an Employee’s Payslip”
First of all, create a new database and install modules Payroll and Payroll Accounting, Then you need to Define an employee and create its home address as shown below:

Go to Menu: Human Resources / Human Resources / Employees

This will create the employee to be a partner in the system, define this partner as supplier.

Define the receivable and payable account for this employee’s partner.

Now next is to create a contract for the employee including salary structure and salary rules:

Go to menu: Human Resources / Human Resources / Contracts

Note: you can create Salary structure and Salary Rules from here itself or navigate to the Menu: Human Resources / Payroll /Salary Structures and Human Resources / Payroll / Salary Rules.

Create a Salary Expense Journal of type ‘Purchase’

Create Individual accounts for BASIC, NET, GROSS, DEDUCTIONS, ALLOWANCES etc.

Then in the salary rules assign the Debit and Credit accounts as:
All the rules will have there individual accounts created as Debit accounts and Credit account as the Salary expense account.

Go to menu:  Human Resources / Payroll / Salary Rules

Assign Net Salary rule’s Credit account as the partner’s receivable account( that we assigned at the start) as he is liable to receive the net amount. Assign the Debit account as the account created for individual salary rules.

Now we will create a payslip for the employee.

Go to menu: Human Resources / Payroll / Employee Payslips 
After filling the required inputs click on Compute Sheet button  and you will see the sheet is calculated.

Now Click the button Confirm to confirm and generate the accounting entries.

Now we will pay the employee for this navigate thru Menu: Accounting / Suppliers / Supplier Payments

Create new payment and select the employee’s partner, as soon as you select the partner you will a line is added as a payment line with the outstanding amount.

Click button Validate  to generate payment accounting entries

semua pelajaran di atas, upin ipin ambil dari sini 

Upin ipin juga mencoba membuat Bisnis Proses dengan menggunakan Aplikasi Bizagi.

File Bizagi nya dapat ditemukan di sini ya sobat. 

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

T03D: OpenERP- Payroll Module Video


In order to complete our comprehension in learning ERP system, let's watch a video about OpenERP HR Payroll Management.

You can find the video here

T03C: ERP System about Payroll Module Video


In order to complete our comprehension in learning ERP system, let's watch a video about ERP System, especially from Payroll Module. It's about SAP Payroll Training.

You can find the video here

T03B: Accounting Information System about Payroll Module Video


In order to complete our comprehension in learning ERP system, let's watch a video about Accounting Information System, especially from Payroll Module.

You can find the video here 

T03A : Comparison between Accounting Information System and Enterprise Resource Planning


Greetings from Upin Ipin, May Allah always bless you with health and happiness. Aamiin.

This time, we will learn more about ERP system and Accounting Information System (AIS) in order to find the differences between them.

What is Accounting Information System (AIS)?

An accounting information system (AIS) is a structure that a business uses to collect, store, manage, process, retrieve and report its financial data so that it can be used by accountants, consultants, business analysts, managers, chief financial officers (CFOs), auditors and regulatory and tax agencies. In particular, specially trained accountants work with AIS to ensure the highest level of accuracy in a company's financial transactions and recordkeeping and to make financial data easily available to those who legitimately need access to it, all while keeping data intact and secure. (source)

There are so many Accounting Information System (AIS) softwares used by companies. Here are some of those softwares and applications:

1. Zoho Books
Zoho Books is an online accounting software that allows you to easily manage the money flowing in and out of your business. Manage your customers and invoices, while keeping expenses in check. Record, monitor and reconcile your bank accounts and transactions, and collaborate with your accountant in real-time.

2. QuickBooks
QuickBooks is the leading accounting software for small businesses. Manage all your finances with either our licensed or online version. Instant access to customer, vendor and employee information. Free support and upgrades with online version. Comes with a 30 day free trial and $12.95/Month thereafter.

3. Accounting by Wave
Wave offers 100% free, real double-entry accounting for small businesses. As a cloud-based software, Wave allows you to access your data from anywhere, add unlimited collaborators and work on all of your businesses from a single login. Wave eliminates data-entry and puts the financial reports you need at your fingers tips, allowing you to spend more time doing what you love. Your accounting is also seamlessly integrated with invoicing, receipt scanning, payment processing and payroll.

4. Mind Your Own Business (MYOB)
MYOB is an Australian multinational corporation that provides tax, accounting and other services to small and medium businesses.

5. Microsoft Office Accounting Express (MOAE)
Microsoft Office Accounting Express was the freeware version of Accounting, made available for download and also being distributed in certain editions of Microsoft Office 2007, including Professional, Small Business and Ultimate editions. This free version did not support local requirements outside of UK and USA.

6. Accurate Accounting
Accurate Accounting is AIS software which is commonly used by Indonesian companies.

7. DacEasy Accounting
DacEasy has a streamlined workflow presentation that experienced accounting software users can master easily. It follows traditional accounting methodologies and provides numerous insightful reports. It also provides a comprehensive accounting module and extensive payroll and inventory capabilities. In addition, Sage provides a free year of Gold support and tax updates. 

8. Zahir Accounting
Zahir Accounting is AIS software which is also commonly used by Indonesian companies.

What is Enterprise resource planning (ERP) ?

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is business process management software that allows an organization to use a system of integrated applications to manage the business and automate many back office functions related to technology, services and human resources. ERP software integrates all facets of an operation, including product planning, development, manufacturing, sales and marketing.

ERP software is considered an enterprise application as it is designed to be used by larger businesses and often requires dedicated teams to customize and analyze the data and to handle upgrades and deployment. In contrast, Small business ERP applications are lightweight business management software solutions, customized for the business industry you work in.


Recent years have brought a sea of change to business management software. While businesses have long considered accounting software a necessity, that mantle is increasingly taken by enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. So much so, in fact, that many are starting to use the terms interchangeably. While there are worse crimes in the world than using the wrong term for a given software package, understanding the difference can help you compare accounting software and ERP software.

In order to fully illustrate the difference between accounting software and ERP software, let’s look at the range of functionality traditionally offered by each. 

Accounting software, as indicated by its name, deals with accounting transactions such as payroll, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and trial balances. Common modules bundled with accounting software include billing, sales order, purchase order, general ledger, timesheet, expense, and electronic payment.

While there is some crossover with ERP functionality, the two are slightly different. ERP software is a resource management system, tracking tangible and intangible assets, materials, human resources, and financial resources. Financial resources may jump out at you, but note that ERP software covers a range of functionality not generally offered by accounting software, often factoring in intangibles like human work hours, product lifecycles, performance units, and customer relations.

Simply put, accounting software, as it is traditionally known, is a subset of any ERP bundle. Let’s take the Microsoft Dynamics GP modules as an example. The suite offers financial services such as financial management, planning, and budgeting. This collection by itself may have been considered accounting software ten years ago, but now can potentially interface with a number of other modules. Business operations like project and supply chain management, reporting and analysis, human resource management, and even IT management are all services that can be coordinated and managed under the Microsoft Dynamics GP software.

However, all of this is semantics. Sure, accounting software and ERP software may be two different things, but does it really matter in today’s environment? The answer is not really – accounting software as an entity unto itself has been steadily contracting. Recent years have seen many accounting software vendors cease operations or be acquired by larger groups. Additionally, with so many ERP platforms offering the same accounting functionality but with scalable growth potential, why would you choose a traditional accounting software bundle?

The reason that accounting software and ERP software have come to mean the same thing in today’s market is that accounting software as we traditionally understand it is fading away. Larger, more comprehensive software suites are replacing its function. As the industry moves on from this dated concept of accounting software, it’s possible that ERP software may completely co-opt its meaning as well as its functional place in the market. Given that the two are unlikely to exist simultaneously in the market now or in the future, referring to ERP as accounting software is unlikely to cause confusion.

Advantages and Benefits of Accounting Information System (AIS)

1. Relatively Easy of Use
Most of the Accounting Softwares are designed for users to easily use them. Through sets of training, even though the users don't have speciality in accounting, users can just use the applications for daily work activity 

2. Speed
The main benefit of information systems in accounting is the speed of processing tasks. Data is entered once and can then be used and reused in compiling reports by literally pressing a button. If a transaction needs correction, it is easily done, with reports generated afterward at speeds never possible with manual accounting systems.

3. Classification
When data is entered in an accounting system, manual or computerized, an accountant needs to classify it in a detailed fashion. For example, a transaction could be a sales revenue or an interest revenue. Using information systems, this classification process is easily accomplished with a drop-down menu from which you choose the proper category. You can also quickly generate reports involving classifications. With a manual system, this process takes much more time.

4. Safety
Once data is entered into a computer, it is safe. The chances of losing data are remote, especially when you perform regular system backups. In manual systems, paper pads can be lost or damaged more easily. You can save data on the Internet, where it will not only be accessible anytime you need it but will also still be secure even if your computer is lost or damaged.

5. Inexpensive Installation Process and Maintenance. 
Most of the Softwares are easy to install and don't need annual maintenance. 

Disadvantages of Accounting Information System (AIS)

1. Needs Extra Protection
Using a computerized accounting system comes with its own set of problems such as the need to protect against data loss through power failure or viruses, and the danger of hackers stealing data. Computer fraud is also a concern, and you need to instigate a system of controls for who has access to the information, particularly customer information. If there is a security breach and data is stolen, management can be held personally liable for the loss of data. 

2. Needs more attention in Data Entering
Once data been input into the system, automatically the output are obtained hence the data being input needs to be validated for accuracy and completeness, we should not forget concept of GIGO (Garbage In(Input) Garbage out ( Output)

3. Doesn't meet the market needs
Accounting system not properly set up to meet the requirement of the business due to badly programmed or inappropriate software or hardware or personnel problems can caused more havoc.

Advantages and Benefits of Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

1. Complete visibility into all the important processes, across various departments of an organization (especially for senior management personnel).

2. Automatic and coherent workflow from one department/function to another, to ensure a smooth transition and quicker completion of processes. This also ensures that all the inter-departmental activities are properly tracked and none of them is ‘missed out’.

3. A unified and single reporting system to analyze the statistics/status etc. in real-time, across all functions/departments.

4. Since same (ERP) software is now used across all departments, individual departments having to buy and maintain their own software systems is no longer necessary.

5. Certain ERP vendors can extend their ERP systems to provide Business Intelligence functionalities, that can give overall insights on business processes and identify potential areas of problems/improvements.

6. Advanced e-commerce integration is possible with ERP systems – most of them can handle web-based order tracking/ processing.

7. There are various modules in an ERP system like Finance/Accounts, Human Resource Management, Manufacturing, Marketing/Sales, Supply Chain/Warehouse Management, CRM, Project Management, etc.

8. Since ERP is a modular software system, its possible to implement either a few modules (or) many modules based on the requirements of an organization. If more modules implemented, the integration between various departments may be better.

9. Since a Database system is implemented on the backend to store all the information required by the ERP system, it enables centralized storage/back-up of all enterprise data.

10. ERP systems are more secure as centralized security policies can be applied to them. All the transactions happening via the ERP systems can be tracked.

11. ERP systems provide better company-wide visibility and hence enable better/faster collaboration across all the departments.

12. It is possible to integrate other systems (like bar-code reader, for example) to the ERP system through an API (Application Programing Interface).

13. ERP systems make it easier for order tracking, inventory tracking, revenue tracking, sales forecasting and related activities.

14. ERP systems are especially helpful for managing globally dispersed enterprise companies, better.

Disadvantages of Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

1. The cost of ERP Software, planning, customization, configuration, testing, implementation, etc. is too high.

2. ERP deployments are highly time-consuming – projects may take 1-3 years (or more) to get completed and fully functional.

3. Complexity. Too little customization may not integrate the ERP system with the business process & too much customization may slow down the project and make it difficult to upgrade.

4. The cost savings/payback may not be realized immediately after the ERP implementation & it is quite difficult to measure the same.

5. The participation of users is very important for successful implementation of ERP projects – hence, exhaustive user training and simple user interface might be critical. But ERP systems are generally difficult to learn (and use).

6. There maybe additional indirect costs due to ERP implementation – like new IT infrastructure, upgrading the WAN links, etc.

7. Migration of existing data to the new ERP systems is difficult (or impossible) to achieve.  Integrating ERP systems with other stand alone software systems is equally difficult (if possible). These activities may consume a lot of time, money & resources, if attempted.

8. ERP implementations are difficult to achieve in decentralized organizations with disparate business processes and systems.

9. Once an ERP systems is implemented it becomes a single vendor lock-in for further upgrades, customizations etc. Companies are at the discretion of a single vendor and may not be able to negotiate effectively for their services.

10. Evaluation prior to implementation of ERP system is critical. If this step is not done properly and experienced technical/business resources are not available while evaluating, ERP implementations can (and have) become a failure.

Hope today's article will be useful to those who are willing to learn moe about ERP :)

Senin, 07 Maret 2016

T02-D Review Blog 4


Waktu jalan-jalan Upin Ipin hampir habis, karena Upin Ipin sudah sampai di rumah blog terakhir yang Upin Ipin kunjungi. Di sini tempatnya http://redhairshanks-uperp20151.blogspot.co.id

Ayo ayo kita kenalan lagi dengan tuan rumahnya.

Nama               : Iwan bakrony Dody
NIM                 : 4414217064
Bekerja di        : PT. PLN (Persero)
Bagian             : Divisi Sistem dan Teknologi Informasi Sub Bid Pengelolaan Infrastruktur

Rupanya Kak Iwan sudah lebih familiar dengan ERP system karena di tempat Kak Iwan bekerja sudah mengimplementasikan ERP dengan menggunakan beberapa Module yaitu Material Management, Finance Management, Human Resource dan Bussiness Warehouse (Sub Bussiness Intelegence) dengan skala nasional. (Hebat yaaa...)

Kak Iwan memiliki tugas yang sama dengan Upin Ipin, yaitu di bagian HRD-Payroll (horeee... dapet ilmu gratis dari kak Iwan :))

Pertama-tama Kak Iwan menjelaskan tugas dan fungsi dari HRD subbid Penggajian atau Payroll :

1. Melakukan proses perhitungan gaji karyawan,
2. Melakukan pendataan absensi, Tunjangan serta potongan - potongan gaji yang sudah di setujui oleh manajemen
3. Membuat daftar Slip dan dafttar gaji setiap karyawan
4. Mengurus Pajak penghasilan setiap karyawan
5. Melakukan pengarsipan untuk setiap data gaji pegawai
Kedua, Kak Iwan memaparkan Bisnis Proses PT Bank Zamrud Indonesia sebagai bagian dari tugas kelompoknya. Di sini dipaparkan visi dan misi PT Bank Zamrud Indonesia.

Selanjutnya, Kak Iwan menjelakan mengenai simple transaction mengani Fungsi HR sub Payroll pada sebuah server Dummy yang telah di siapkan (klik di sini untuk belajar)

Kak Iwan berbaik hati membagikan sebuah video tutorial transaksi Human Resource Sub Payroll untuk kita semua.

Banyak yang Upin Ipin pelajari dari blog Kak Iwan. Dan pastinya akan Upin Ipin bookmark hehehe..

Terima kasih, Kak Iwan.. Upin Ipin pamit..


T02-C Review Blog 3


Masih jalan-jalan nih ke blog teman-teman. Sekarang Upin Ipin mampir ke blog luffy-uperp20132.blogspot.com

Nama : Muhammad Al’amin Kusumo Putro
NIM   : 4412216237
Tempat Bekerja   : PT Saptaindra Sejati (SIS)

Di PT SIS, sudah digunakan ERP system, yaitu Mincom Ellipse versi 6.3.2
Modul yang dapat digunakan adalah  :
-    Material Management
-    Operation & Maintenance      
-    Finance
-    Human Resource

Di dalam blognya, tidak begitu banyak terdapat artikel, namun Upin Ipin menemukan beberapa link download yang bisa berguna dalam belajar ERP
1.Menginstal aplikasi blueberry sofware

2.Menghidupkan aplikasi blueberry dan instal program Open ERP (video)

3. Membuat tutorial menggunakan PDF

Terima kasih Kak :)

T02-B Review Blog 2


Jumpa lagi dengan Upin Ipin yang lagi hobi jalan-jalan ke blog teman-teman. Kali ini Upin Ipin ke rumah blog http://lisianthus-uperp20132.blogspot.co.id/

Dari tampilannya, terlihat beliau ini manga-lover alias penyuka kartun jepang, hehe.. Upin Ipin suka dengan background blognya. Mari kenalan dengan sang tuan rumah :)

Nama: Mikael Ermando B
NIM  : 4412216232
Beliau bekerja di PT. Ranggi ATMA Indah yang bergerak pada bidang jasa konstruksi baja. Di PT. Ranggi ATMA Indah ini belum menggunakan sistem ERP, melainkan prosesnya menggunakan transaksi print-out (fax, print invoice, dsb)

Kak Mikael di dalam blognya menyebutkan bahwa beliau dibekali tugas oleh Dosen kita, yaitu Pak Agung Terminanto berupa study kasus Akuntansi, dimana beliau diminta untuk menyelesaikan dari Soal Ujian Praktek Kejuruan Nasional tahun ajaran 2013/2014.

Tugas ERP selanjutnya adalah membuat rancangan bisnis perusahaan sesuai dengan study kasus masing-masing kelompok. Kelompok beliau mengambil kasus Industri Jasa konstruksi, khususnya jasa pembuatan tangki baja sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen (costumer).

Dalam entri blog selanjutnya, kak Mikael menjelaskan sedikit mengenai sejarah openERP kemudian menjelaskan bagaimana menginstall OpenERP melalui video

Secara umum, Blog Kak Mikael begitu bermanfaat. Terima kasih, Kak Mikael :)

T02-A Review Blog 1


Teman-teman, siap-siap yuuk.. karena kita akan jalan-jalan ke berbagai blog. Masih dalam rangka belajar ERP.

Upin Ipin kali ini mampir ke blog http://kushina-uperp20142.blogspot.co.id/ dan tuan rumahnya baik sekali mengijinkan Upin Ipin mencuri ilmunya. Kita kenalan dulu yuk dengan sang tuan rumah:

Nama  : Dedy Agung Nugroho
NIM   : 4411216128
Beliau sekarang bekerja di PT Bumi Arasy Konsultanindo sebagai Support Marketing. Upin Ipin kebetulan kenal dengan Pak Dedy karena pernah satu kelas di mata kuliah EKP. :)

Di tugas 1, Pak Dedy mengutip sekilas tentang ERP yang diambil dari situs ini
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), adalah sistem informasi yang diperuntukkan bagi perusahan manufaktur maupun jasa yang berperan mengintegrasikan dan mengotomasikan proses bisnis yang berhubungan dengan aspek operasi, produksi, maupun distribusi di perusahaan bersangkutan.
 Beliau juga mengutip situs yang menjelaskan mengenai karakteristik dan fungsi ERP
Salah Satu Fungsi dari Sistem ERP Merupakan sebuah sistem terintegrasi (terpadu) untuk setiap atau seluruh fungsi bisnis yang beroperasi secara real-time dan tidak tergantung pada periodic update.
Lalu ada sebuah video menarik mengenai salah satu penerapan ERP

Di tugas selanjutnya, beliau bahkan dengan baiknya melampirkan cara menginstall Odoo_9.0 alpha dalam bentuk .Pdf dan kita semua bisa mendownload file dropboxnya di sini
Tidak hanya itu, beliau juga membuat vide cara menginstall Odoo_9.0 alpha. Silakan ditonton di sini yaa, kawan :)
Pak Dedy juga menjelaskan kebingungannya tentang Odoo beserta cara mengatasinya. Bagaimana pengalamannya menjadi Sales di SMP Teratai Jaya, dan sebagainya.

Berkunjung ke Blog Pak Dedy amat menyenangkan karena beliau pandai membagi ilmu juga desain rumah blognya amat mudah untuk diakses oleh user (user friendly).

Demikian kesan Upin Ipin terhadap rumah blog Pak Dedy. Terima kasih.



There are many advantages to implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system. Among countless other advantages, implementing ERP software can improve productivity, increase efficiencies, decrease costs and streamline processes.

Here are the top five most common benefits that companies report:

Efficiency. An ERP system eliminates repetitive processes and greatly reduces the need to manually enter information. The system will also streamline business processes and makes it easier and more efficient for companies to collect data.
Integrated Information. Instead of having data distributed throughout a number of separate databases, all information is now located in a single location. Data is also kept consistent and up-to-date.
Reporting. ERP software helps make reporting easier and more customizable. With improved reporting capabilities, your company can respond to complex data requests more easily. Users can also run their own reports without relying on help from IT.
Customer Service. It’s easier to provide high-quality customer service using an ERP system. Sales and customer service people can interact with customers better and improve relationships with them, through faster, more accurate access to customers’ information and history.

Security. A new system will improve the accuracy, consistency and security of data. Restrictions to data can also be enhanced.

Fully cited from here http://www.workwisellc.com/5-benefits-implementing-erp-software/


There are many misconceptions about ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software. These misconceptions range from the need for customizations, the value of support, how they are implemented, and where the actual benefits come from. There are going to be issues where there are arguments for both sides, but the thing to remember is that your experience will be unique to you, so you need to be thorough when evaluating, implementing, and maintaining the system. Relying purely on reputation, stereotypes, and singular recommendations can be dangerous.

Let’s take a closer look at nine common misconceptions when it comes to ERP software.

1. It is better to start with a simpler, cheaper software and then switch to an ERP in a few years.

The thinking seems logical. You start with a lesser software to manage whatever parts it can and then get a full ERP solution to handle everything later on with the money you save in that timeframe. In this sense, you are downgrading the solution you buy. When you do that, you are essentially putting money into a system that you know will be replaced one day and you spend time implementing it, which will all be a waste when you stop using that software. In the long term, the negative impacts on the company with the limited capability will be clearly visible and affect the bottom line in one way or another. It is better to invest the money now so that it goes toward the final solution and you can see those benefits sooner.

2. An ERP that fits one company can fit any company.

Unless you are getting a referral from a company that does essentially what you do (a competitor), the ERP they have may not be the best option for you. Every business is different; the degree of difference varies based on industry, number of locations, size, product/service, etc. This is where searching for industry specific ERPs can be a huge benefit, but looking at a generic ERP that has had success with companies like yourself is also a good option.

3. ERP benefits managers, but not so much other employees.

ERP software benefits the entire business and anyone that is an employee. It improves the entire operation from selling, to production, processing, shipping, billing, etc. It affects various departments, not various managers. It cuts the need to repeat the same task such as double data entry, makes it easier for employees to find and record information vital to the company’s successes, and centralizes the company’s processes so everyone can have the same view.

4. Implementation can be a cheap and fast process.

To start, both cheap and fast are relative terms. Generally speaking though, there is no one ERP vendor that will be so much faster at implementing or so much cheaper to implement than another that it alone should be the deciding or eliminating factor. If one does claim to be drastically more inexpensive, then be weary of the other costs of items like customizations, annual maintenance, and other fees. These higher “hidden” costs will more than likely make up for their software cost, and often it is these costs that are the reoccurring ones. Saying the implementation will be fast can also be misleading, as it takes both vendor and company to handle that process. So, there are many opportunities for either you or the vendor to be waiting on each other to move forward.

5. We do not need any customizations.

Customizations can be an expensive, complicated matter, especially when unplanned for. But, it is something your vendor should be able to anticipate based on previous discussions about your company’s processes and needs. The more detailed and complex the business is, generally the more customizations. Despite the cost and time needed, they are very worthwhile as they can take the final ERP product from good to great saving time and money long term.

6. The new ERP software will let us know what processes we need to change internally.

The thought here might be that the solution will be so advanced and in depth that it will give clear direction on what to do internally. However, it is quite the opposite. Today’s ERP solutions are so complex and out of the box are usually generic enough to fit multiple industries or different sized companies, that there are too many options and paths you could go down. It actually can end up causing more confusion than help in that regard. This makes it all the more important to fine-tune your specific processes and needs, and find the best product that fits these items.

7. Support is a secondary thought.

Big mistake. Companies like Nike, Hewlett-Packard, and Hershey all experienced failed ERP implementations because of poor support and management. Ensuring you have a plan for the support of the software and user training can be just as critical as the actual implementation. Spending all the time and money to implement only to have the ERP fail due to support and training issues is not only costly, but also embarrassing.

8. On-Premise ERP solutions are a thing of the past, everyone is going to cloud.

Although there are providers that only offer cloud ERP solutions, and the cloud model has had a lot of hype, there is no evidence to support that On-Premise solutions are going away anytime soon. In fact, a majority of implementations are On-Premise and not in the cloud. There are a variety of reasons why. Some companies do not like the lack of security knowing that all of their data is in a cloud somewhere, others don’t like the inability to customize and manage the ERP for themselves, if it is, and others find the reoccurring costs associated with the cloud make it less financially appealing than the On-Premise option.

9. Benefits come from the ERP directly.

The ERP solution you implement is ultimately useless if your employees do not know how to take advantage of its capabilities. It is a tool, not an end all to make the business succeed in every manner. It can automate many processes, but human intervention and intelligence is required. You cannot spend too much time training the users and ensuring they know the part of the system they need to know inside and out. This can take serious time. It may seem like employees can get a base line and learn on the go, but it simply isn’t that easy when dealing with such a complex product.

also fully cited from this link http://www.workwisellc.com/common-erp-misconceptions/


What is ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) ?

This attached video might answer your curiosity ;)

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